Integrated Management System policy

Here at the NCB, everything we do is informed by our vision and our mission. To help us get there, we are guided by our principles, and our Integrated Management System, or IMS.

Our vision

The assurance and certification partner of choice for the rail industry.

Our mission

To save our customers time and money and protect their reputations by providing high integrity assurance and certification services, paving the way for a safe rail network.

Our Integrated Management System (IMS) policy is our commitment to:

  • Our service quality, which should reflect our operating environment and strategy.
  • Control the health, wellbeing and safety risks involved in our work, eliminate hazards and prevent accidents and work-related illness.
  • Carry out certification impartially, rigorously and to high standards.
  • Protect the environment, reduce our environmental impact by mitigating waste and pollution, and pursue sustainable solutions, so we can reduce our operational impact on the environment and local communities.

To remind ourselves of these commitments, we work to continually improve our IMS’s effectiveness by:

  • Investing in every employee’s training, promoting teamwork and good working relationships, encouraging consultation and participation.
  • Keeping our working environment safe, healthy and pleasant.
  • Reducing occupational risks to help people’s mental and physical wellbeing.
  • Always complying with legal and other requirements.
  • Making sure that our assessment and certification process is impartial and objective, and that we manage any conflicts quickly and effectively.
  • Communicating clearly with our clients and stakeholders to make sure our certification and other services satisfy their needs and meet their expectations.

Finally, our commitments are secured by our review processes:

  • We periodically review the IMS against our business objectives and processes to review its suitability and improve its effectiveness.
  • We clearly communicate the IMS policy to all employees and external parties.
  • We audit the IMS and our services on a regular basis.

Our Integrated Management System helps all of us to maintain consistent, reliable standards in rail service certification, with a clear set of shared goals. Compliance is vitally important, in that maintaining the high quality of our work results in continually safer rail travel for everyone.

Sam Brunker
NCB Managing Director

If you would like to know more please get in touch.